Episode#46- My Experience with Scalar Energy (LIGHT)

ALIDA HERNANDEZ Season 2 Episode 46

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Episode#46 My Experience with Scalar Energy (LIGHT)

Ever felt drained, physically and emotionally, yet conventional remedies don't seem to offer a lasting solution? My guest today, Tom Palladino, might just have what you're looking for. A pioneer in scalar energy research, Tom gives us an exclusive look at his incredible instrument that harnesses scalar light from the sun and stars, offering a revolutionary pathway to health improvement.

Joining Tom, myself and JC Colon (my husband) in this enlightening discussion. As firsthand witnesses, we recount our transformative experiences during the Scalar Light trial. J C sheds light on his significant relief from chronic sciatic pain, while I delve into the heightened energy levels and mental clarity that ensued. Listen in as we unravel the intricate workings of this groundbreaking technique and power of energy healing.

The discussion deepens as we explore Tom's successes in India, his beliefs on the intersection of energy and faith, and the connection of his research to the pioneering efforts of Nikola Tesla. We also wander off the beaten path to discuss how scalar energy isn't just for people—it's for our furry friends too. Don't let this episode pass you by as we uncover the revolutionary power of scalar energy and its potential to rewrite the narrative of holistic healing.

See Tom Paladino's article here:


These Scalar Light Programs are offered free of charge to anyone in the world by way of their photograph.  Visit the link below and e-mail photographs of your family and pets to experience 30 days of FREE scalar light sessions:

 Tom Paladino is a scalar energy researcher based in Florida. For full details on how you can receive scalar energy treatments remotely, visit WWW.SCALARLIGHT.COM  or call 805.364.3051.  Support e-mail:

Host: Alida Hernandez and Jose Colon
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***NOTE: Rebooted The Podcast has been rebranded "Rebooted Mindset"

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Speaker 1:

Is this thing on? Welcome to Rebooted the Podcast. I'm your host, elita Hernandez. Come join me weekly to hear about my journey from recovery to healing after having a stroke and other life challenges. So let's get talking. Hi everybody, elita Hernandez Rebooted the Podcast. I am back again. I had to bring a guest that I had before for the second time, because Scalelyte Light is the future and it's now for your health, and so I have guest. Tom Palladino is here. My husband, j C Colón, was right behind me and we're going to discuss basically Tom will discuss Scalelyte Light. He's in his laboratory right now, so hopefully he can give us a little demonstration and speak about it, and we're just going to talk about how we felt when we were doing the Scalelyte Light the trial. So how are you doing, tom?

Speaker 2:

I am well, good afternoon. Thanks for the re-invite, appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, definitely. So you created this Scalelyte. Well, you've been the researcher, and just tell us a little bit more about yourselves. Everybody you didn't see the last one Can hear about it now.

Speaker 2:

Okay, thank you so much again. I work with energy, scalar energy. It's not electricity. These are scalar energy instruments behind me.

Speaker 2:

So what is scalar energy? What is scalar light? It's the natural light of the sun and the stars. You do not have to produce it, god produces it. It's from the sun and the stars and you simply capture, you simply harness scalar energy to your benefit. So let's take a review here. If you're looking at nature, everything is fundamental. If you look at the cause, what do I mean? The cause light, energy will produce creation, will give us creation. So I look at the cause and effect relationship. I'm working with the cause, with just scalar energy light and with that, with this energy, we can control the outcome because it's light, it's fundamental, it's not subject to human error. Okay, so, with that stated, we're going to move forward.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to demonstrate how these instruments work. But keep in mind, my work is groundbreaking. This is new research. I don't think it's ever been duplicated because my instrument is unique. Nobody's ever duplicated my instrument and hence nobody's ever duplicated my technique. Okay, so, without further ado, this is a scalar energy instrument. On its operating, I'm pointing to a coil that's called a Tesla coil. Now, it's pulsing energy. It's a different type of energy and when it pulses energy it's been shown to help people their health, with their spiritual, physical, mental health. Now I'm going to give the audience a demonstration. So much energy is coming from that instrument. It's able to illuminate a light bulb. I'm holding in my hand a fluorescent tube. If my pass is close to the instrument, the ambient energy lights up the light bulb. That's how much energy is coming from that instrument.

Speaker 2:

Now when I work with people. I work with people by way of their photograph. This is again. This is new. This is what I've considered a groundbreaking technique. I never work with people. I work with the energy field on a photograph. This is my photograph. It has an energy field and when I place my photograph in that energy field, it experiences that amount of light. My photograph is being downloaded with that amount of light. So what does that mean? That serves as a chakra balancing. That serves to, if you will, balance my meridians or reprogram my brainwaves. My work is non-physical. There's no mass involved. Everything is information. So the information that can also illuminate my seven chakras. This is a new technique. This is a new science. It's called Scalar Light Research.

Speaker 1:

Now I experienced it for, like, I think it was like 30 days. I had the scalar energy. I uploaded a couple of photos and let me just tell you that I never felt so good in my life for those 30 days. And then one morning I woke up and I go how come I don't feel good anymore? Oh, my scalar trial is over and I literally was sick in two weeks. Ok, so that scared me, because I was. I felt so good for 30 days. I can't. I feel like a little girl. I was like, oh, this energy every day up and I had no, like no, brain fog. And since, since I have not been on the energy, I tell you I've had brain fog every day. I don't have the. I don't feel the same and I'm like I got to call Tom again because I got to get this back. We're going to get this back again because this is amazing. I felt so good and JC has a testimony to. He has a great testimony for me. I had.

Speaker 3:

I had L4 and L5 surgery in 2017. And I've been suffering for the last five years. I mean it's gotten better, but I never took medicine. I threw away all my pills from the operation, everything I didn't want to know about drugs. I went through it. I took the pain, in other words, the sciatic. I took the sciatic pains on both sides and I still suffer from my L5 and L4. And I still work through it. You know, I still perform, I still do a lot of things and I try to find ways to alleviate the pain.

Speaker 3:

But once I started the, the scler treatment, I mean this, this trial all I know is that after a few days I was telling Alita, alita, oh my god, I'm like. I used to bend down and my knees were, like you know, hurting. And then there was a. There was a time, like a whole week I was bending down, like I take my dogs out every, every day. I bend down to put their their leashes and everything, and I'm like what's going on here? I mean like there's no pain when I go down, there's no pain when I go up, yeah, and then I tell and then my whole body overall, no foggy. No, fog is no sciatic pain.

Speaker 3:

Sciatic pain, no sciatic pain, and I'm like I wish I could feel like this for the rest of my life. I mean like it was an experience that I say wow, I mean I never had an experience like that, then, after it was over, and the pain came back again and it's the inflammation of the knees that are coming again and you know, and the pain started coming here and there. You know I've been dealing with the, you know the ice and everything. That's what I, that's what I treat myself with.

Speaker 1:

So that's one of my questions is like is there a time frame to do scalar energy? Like, is there a time frame that, as long as you do it, how? Like when do you heal or when do you kind of get? You know, I don't even know what to say. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I'll be right back. Yeah, everybody's different. That's a great question. Everybody's different, so I can't.

Speaker 1:

You got stuck for a little bit there. The scalar energy is too strong. The scalar energy is too strong. I'm going to pause it, all right.

Speaker 2:

So, to answer your question, many people feel that if they're on the program, that they yes, they experience an improvement in their health and once they go off the program they don't have that light. They don't have this, this specific type of technique that is working through their force field. So what people do to remedy that? They'll go on the program for two or three months at a time. They think they've had enough. They'll go off for a month or two and then invariably, invariably, people come back on why they see the before and after difference.

Speaker 2:

It's tangible with most people. It's tangible. It's something that they can relate to. Yeah, on scalar and off of scalar. So that that serves to prove by way of testimony now that there's something here. Yeah, keep in mind, this is a new technique. I invented this technique. Nobody's duplicated this technique. So what do I have to rely upon now? Are testimonies of people. That's what I have to rely upon, the testimonies that people give me why it's that's. It's such a cutting edge science. There is nothing else beside testimonies. Nobody can prove or disprove my work.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's why we're both we had. That's why JC said to me you got to call the scalar like guy. You mean Tom? Yeah, Because he, I'm telling you he woke up, had no, no sciatic pain. He suffers from both sciatic nerves on both sides. I'm not all about like 24, seven, okay, for years now and he was running around like a little kid like he had no pain, especially my mental, my, mental state.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I was like clear, like I was awake and I mean I was like oh, fuck that no.

Speaker 1:

I've been foggy, like I've been have this brain fog that I can't get rid of, and I was, I was perfect, I was like wow.

Speaker 3:

And I'm kind of a weird character, you know, like even when I'm in pain or everything, it's like my mental state, like if I have something to do, like, let's say, I got to come into the studio and reorganize everything equipment, when I'm doing what, what, while I'm doing those things, right, I'm like pain free for the moment. Right, because you mentally, my mental, is blocking the pain because I have something to do. But once I finish, I got to sit down, put a nice pack and then, you know, continue my day. You know, but I found ways of doing things without having to do any drugs and surgeries.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we've done acupuncture, and acupuncture helped them in his back. But it's, it's a temporary thing and that's why, when I first spoke, spoke to you and I told JC about this, he's like how is he going to upload a picture of me? How is this going to work? I said I have no idea. But this is like, you know, tesla some stuff, and then he and then Tom did some more research and inventions and you know, it's one of those things. It's like a God healing. You can't see it, you can't smell it, but it's there.

Speaker 3:

At this point I would try anything. Out of all the things I tried, this is like the best feeling yet.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

That's good to hear. That's good to hear. So let me use this analogy. 200 years ago, if somebody told you that you could have a conference by way of computers we're having a conversation through our computers they would say what's a computer and how is it that a person is in that box? Well, alita, you're not in my box, you're not in my computer and I'm not inside your computer. It's an image.

Speaker 1:

It's information.

Speaker 2:

So when I work with people, it's not the person, it's the energy, it's the image of the person. Now I'm going to explain to the audience in depth what we can do with this instrument. First of all, I'm going to hold up a photograph, a magnified photograph, of a bacterium, streptococcus. When I place that bacterium side by side my photograph, there's a sharing of images, there's a sharing of information. And then, if I were to place my photograph and streptococcus in the instrument simultaneously, the energy of streptococcus will find the energy of streptococcus in my body, in my quantum body, and destroy it. This is the technique that I use, and there's no mistake about this, because I use photographs. So if I use a photograph of streptococcus, by the way, streptococcus can cause inflammation. It's been shown to cause knee pain, joint pain, back pain. If I place that inside the instrument, side by side my photograph, the two energy fields share information. Now, obviously, that's not a chemical, that's not massage.

Speaker 3:

That's not surgery, right.

Speaker 2:

It's a new energy in which I can take and illuminate my force field. Look at that.

Speaker 1:

Look at that. Wow, I got goosebumps.

Speaker 2:

I illuminate force fields with this energy.

Speaker 1:

It's like the Jetsons. It's the free energy of the sun and the stars.

Speaker 2:

Look at that. So that's the rhyme and reason. That's the explanation of why some people no longer have an inflammation. We've reduced, we've nullified, we've brought to a state of chaos the energy field or the molecular bonds of streptococcus. So you have a problem and you get rid of it. When you get rid of a problem I'm not being coy you no longer have the effects of the problem.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Now another question I have is once your picture is uploaded, how does it know what's wrong with you? You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

It's God's energy. I'm going to make this very clear. This is from God, it's not from me. I have no idea how to heal somebody. I never claimed to be a healer. I claimed to be a researcher. I research force fields. That's an accurate statement. If God wants to heal somebody, he can do that. That's up to God. I'm not a healer. I research by way of instrumentation.

Speaker 1:

Wow, wow, it's depth, it's deep, it is, it is deep.

Speaker 3:

I got a question how did this? You know, like, every great inventor always has something. Where did it hit you? Where were you and when did it come to your mind that you wanted to do this? How did it? How did it be felt? You're right.

Speaker 2:

God, the Holy Spirit, revealed this. This is groundbreaking. It's never been done before. Who taught me Well? I obviously didn't learn it from the classroom. God gave me the wisdom, wow.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you this is deeper than I'd even realized, really, because you try to wrap around. You can't, you can't. How do you say it? You can make sense of the energy and the technology. I know a lot of people out there thinking how is this? This is possible If you believe in a God and a higher power. The same way you have faith that you will be healed and faith in your life is the same way this energy is working. So it's like the energy is right, is hitting you and God, between you and God, your relationship with God. You know the healing that will occur.

Speaker 2:

Nothing can stop this energy. I'm going to show the audience an example, an experiment. Let's experiment with a wooden board. This is a cutting board. Right, it's a cutting board. I'm going to place this cutting board by the instrument. I'll show you how this wooden board cannot produce energy from passing through the board and illuminating the light bulb.

Speaker 1:

Unbelievable. Now it's a board. Okay, that's like two inches wide, I know, and it's an inch, an inch thick of wood, the leaves yeah.

Speaker 2:

Wow, it's a point. It's God's energy. Nothing can stop it. It could pass through the earth Unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

That's why the sun is so important, and I know, I know I don't know, you've probably heard I'm going to mention it because there are. Our dear president was trying to block the sun, the climate change, what the heck? Who's playing God now? You know. I mean you can't block the sun. How are you going to block the sun? We won't live, we won't survive.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of confused people out there.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Confusion is awful, so let me fast forward. If this free energy can illuminate a light bulb, then why can't we illuminate a city? So what's my point? It's God gives me the wisdom. I no longer have to worry about an energy crisis. This is free energy that will illuminate a light bulb.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing.

Speaker 2:

So eventually, this way, we do away with fossil fuels and pollution and we, in a consummate sense, we solve problems. That's what I want to do as a researcher. I believe in action, I solve problems.

Speaker 1:

Correct, correct. I wish more people in the world would be on that mental state of solving problems instead of causing problems, because we are a better community if we help each other, solve problems, solve health right and we can live longer and enjoy our lives and live to the fullest.

Speaker 3:

People have to be open-minded. People have to be open-minded. People are like, oh really, oh, I try. No, you have to really embrace it.

Speaker 1:

That's why I like bringing new things to the show, because there's so much out there and I'm learning Every day. I learn, I learn from you, I learn from all my guests for these amazing things that people have come up and God has given these abilities to share and to help others. So that's what I wanted to make sure. I talked to you today because I wanted to be both of us, to be a testimony to everybody out there that I felt like I was 30 years old again. I had so much energy, I was working out every day, no brain fog, no pain, and I have several ailments going on.

Speaker 1:

I have problems with my hands and my feet. I have cysts on both my feet and my hands. I have this thing growing on my hand. So I have some issues that really affect me on a daily basis, and for those days that I was on scale or energy, even though I have the cysts on my feet, I didn't have the pain. I had more energy. I had more I didn't know how to say it. It was just like the pain wasn't as much. It wasn't like, oh, my foot hurts, I didn't even mention it. I didn't even mention any pain. I slept amazing too.

Speaker 3:

So I mean I mean with me. It was little by little I started noticing things and I'm like I'll eat up my I've been bending down for it.

Speaker 2:

I mean my knees have been great.

Speaker 3:

I'm like it's amazing. And then I will get up in the morning. I'm like why is everybody laying around? Come on, it's enough.

Speaker 1:

Everybody got it. He had so much energy, I had so much energy.

Speaker 3:

I was like wow, but it's so good. Yeah, good Like wow.

Speaker 1:

And we didn't know. Like I didn't know what to expect, like I was like, okay, am I going to feel something? You know, I just I just kept going out. Like the first couple of days I was like, am I going to feel something? Like something. You know what I mean. So then I got, just went on my day and then I noticed, as days went on, that I started just feeling better and not really thinking about it. You know, when you wake up not feeling well and you're sick or with anything, you wake up and you're already like, oh, I don't want to go out of bed.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like your whole day is like right now. I still got brain fog. I still got like this haze on my forehead, I'm not clear, and I wake up in the morning like, oh, I don't want to get out of bed because I'm dragging, and those days not. I was up six o'clock in the morning. Oh, I was walking three, four miles a day.

Speaker 2:

I have 58 years old, so Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. Yeah, now, if you look at this and under this perspective, you were not under any other medication or any other type of diet. You did not change your lifestyles. What I'm getting?

Speaker 1:

No, I didn't change anything.

Speaker 3:

Well, we eat right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but we didn't change anything during that period.

Speaker 1:

Everything was the same. We just won't do. We just did our normal life and then we started noticing we just all of a sudden we're just feeling good. It was just like just one day I woke up and I said why I feel really good? And then JC was saying the same thing and for him to say he had no sciatic pain. That is a miracle. Okay, that is a whole miracle, because when you have nerve pain like that, that's constant. There's nothing that'll take it away. And he is. He has suffered for years.

Speaker 3:

I would do. I would do like an hour and a half show dancing, singing, and I'm great. While I'm on stage, I'm great. And then I used to walk out the stage and I'm like, please, I need to sit down, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I need to lay down. Yeah, people don't realize that by the time I did that, I want to have a moving around, jumping, singing and everything. The inflammation was already starting to so accumulate. So by the time I finished, that's when the pain hit me. Once I stopped, yeah, that's when the pain came in.

Speaker 1:

And I know, I know so many people that I hear on a daily basis that have ailments. You know that that unfortunately, doctors can't help you Okay. So, doctors, our medicine here is all about medication and not necessarily, is not a healing process. It's just a medication to maintain your sickness. At least, that's how I feel it is. It's not, it's not a healing, because they don't even claim doctors, don't even claim to be healers either. So you know, so everybody's on the learning curve. Yeah, that's what they make you sign the waiver, yeah. But so I've seen people out that I'm like why can't everybody feel good? You know there has to be a better way.

Speaker 3:

So if I could just get one person and I mean, I'm gonna we're gonna pick somebody I want to start picking people. Listen, yeah, I need you to do this trial.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna have to. I want to call people and do the trial. I actually send it to my friend of mine. Her father, who's like 81 years old, was a very fit man. He was running every day till recently and and I'm gonna say it, I don't care he, he got the vaccine and he got very adverse effects from the COVID vaccine.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and she, she knows it for a fact, it has been already stated and because of that he has deteriorated so much. He has aged like five years in months. He can't now he can't even walk. Okay, he's really bad. And I sent her, I sent her a scale of light and go, go in there, get your trial, get it started. And I already told her I'm going to call her later and find out if she's done it or not but I did mention it and I've been mentioning to everybody that I know especially I deal with a lot of special needs children and I told the parents about this and they were very interested. So I have a huge community of special needs that I really you know take advantage of the stellar energy.

Speaker 1:

Any way they can get some help. I mean thank you.

Speaker 2:

I want to demonstrate something else. You know there's so many ways you can direct this energy. Here's another method you can direct this energy. I'm going to hold up everything I do is by way of photographs because, there's no mistake, with a photograph, that's a photograph of vitamin B2, riboflavin. Now, keep in mind, there's no human ingenuity, there's no human reasoning. Whatever I do, I do by way of photographs. So if I were to place the photograph of riboflavin inside the instrument, side by side my photograph, then I start to enjoy the energy of riboflavin. Riboflavin is downloaded into my force field. Now, keep in mind, this is not a chemical process. I don't work with physical matter. This is information. This really is the light of God. I take the energy of riboflavin and I download it into my energy field. Now, why is an energy field so important? Because it's above, it transcends time and space. Energy light knows no barrier. Once again, if energy can illuminate a light bulb and provide the light of the universe, the stars this is star power.

Speaker 2:

So I'm not working with chemicals, I'm working with the energy of the stars. That's the new science, that's the promise that we have with this energy. It's so promising, incredibly incredibly promising.

Speaker 3:

Hey, tom, can I ask you something? Who else? I mean, have you had a lot of interactions with people about this, the same demonstration you're doing to us? Have you ever had any problems, like you know, when it comes to the government? You know because you're in something that you know it's amazing and you know.

Speaker 2:

Good question. I haven't had really any problems with government because and I don't mean to speak condescending they just don't understand what I'm doing. It's never been done before. Now I don't fault them. If they had my 50 years of experience they could understand this. Or if they would listen to me, I would explain it to anybody. But you know, thus far nobody understands what I'm doing. I'm just going to be blunt. Nobody understands how these instruments operate and if I do, I've been successful at it in operation for 30 years. So here's one of my success stories and I'll let the audience remember.

Speaker 2:

Testimonies are the only proof we have why this has not been accepted by science. No scientific party has ever seriously looked at my research. Nobody. No scientific community has taken a serious look at what I'm doing Nobody. Here's what I consider a success story. This is a group. It's a photograph of an HIV clinic in Delhi, india. It's known as Om Prakash. We've worked with over 5,000 people in Om Prakash by way of their photograph. We don't work with people, we work with force fields, the energy embedded upon their photograph. After working with these people, nobody. Nobody has a viral load for HIV no one. Amazing, the people tell me that they gain weight, they feel better, they don't have Most of them don't have any symptoms of HIV and if they followed up with a PCR test, the PCR test is undetected no viral load.

Speaker 3:

Wow, amazing Wow, and there's been more than 5,000.

Speaker 1:

Imagine no, that's just, you can't say anything. You're like what there's proven they had the virus and now they don't.

Speaker 3:

I just want to emphasize this to the audience. I'm talking to our audience now. I mean you have to be. I mean, after everything that you've seen with Tom or the demonstrations, my testimony, our leader's testimony I wish you guys who are watching this right now, please open your minds, yes, and if you find out about it, we'll send you all the information you need to do to reach Tom and get this trial started. So, please, I just ask you, just what do you have to lose? What do you really have to lose? Nothing, you don't have anything. It's a free trial.

Speaker 1:

It's offering a 15-day trial, and you can go and get it on his website Scalar Energy right, scalarlightscalarlightcom, and I'll put it on everything there, you'll be the judge of it. Yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly Now. Again, this has never been done before. You cannot compare this to any other modality. This is unique. What I've invented is unique. So how do I prove it? You prove it. Alita and JC proved it to themselves. Sign up for the 15-day free session. All you have to do is just send us your photograph. You don't come to a lab. This is not Western medicine. There's nothing to do with medicine. You send us your photograph. We treat your photograph. We only work with photographs. Scalarlightcom, l-i-g-h-t, scalarlightcom. Anybody in the world can upload a photograph. We'll treat you and your photograph for 15 days and you will be the judge of this new technique.

Speaker 1:

That's right, everybody can try it out.

Speaker 3:

You heard it from Tom directly, okay.

Speaker 1:

And I know a lot of people out there that are ill, that everybody has something, I don't care what. Nobody is perfect in health.

Speaker 3:

Every friend, everybody that I know, has a problem with something.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're going to do another interview today. We have another podcast that we're doing on music and today we're going to be interviewing a producer, so we're going to get him on Scalarlight so he can be a testimony as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, his JC is producer and we're going to get some other people and start getting them come in so they can talk about it too, so that way we can spread the word. So you know, you tell one person and so on, and that's the only way to get it out there. I mean, this is groundbreaking research that Tom has done. Nobody has ever done it before he has. He's done everything on his own. He has no lab, no sciences, nobody backing him. His everything is him and he's in his lab right now. And he showed you the energy which I don't think anybody can put anything to a, you know, to light a light bulb without having some kind of electricity or something plugged in. Okay, the only thing that I've tried that has energy is I know if you've heard of the shungite shungite stone. It's a mineral from Russia that has energy and we, and JC has one on his on his neck right now.

Speaker 3:

It keeps the frequencies, the radiation from cell phones. It diminishes a little, maybe by 50, 60%, instead of getting the whole radiation right phone. That's why I never do. I would do speaker right and still you're still getting frequency, you're still getting radiation. So this thing right here.

Speaker 1:

Another God made. This is another God made thing. I think this.

Speaker 3:

I think this and I have one of those flashlights. I take off the power source, then I put the stone and it lights up the flash and it lights up the flashlight. But physically physically not like you, I like you, but this physically it's right. You know it has it has an energy.

Speaker 1:

The mineral has an energy again, not something natural like we always talk about things natural. God made everything in the planet, everything in the earth, right the sun, the light, everything. So everything has energy. We understand that energy is just. Unfortunately, when I taught that, they don't teach us that in school. They don't teach us that in church. They don't teach you about the energy that's out there and that's that's in within us that we have the ability to do so much. And only the last couple of years have I learned this.

Speaker 3:

It's weird because a lot of people I know they're always trying stuff, but they're always trying the wrong stuff. Oh that, the doctor told me this. I'm going to try this. And you know, I mean, nothing has worked for you. If anything, you feel worse.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So why not try what I'm telling you, what I'm saying? Like I say it again, people, what do you have to lose? Exactly free trial and 15 days. You're not a witness yourself, so then you know you keep on moving.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, exactly.

Speaker 3:

You got to try something that's awesome, no awesome, and so awesome.

Speaker 1:

See how the universe brought me to Tom. Tom's email came into my inbox one day and it was like bam, what is this? This is interesting. And since I'm a techie originally, right so anything with technology and I get all you know, I get all geeky, right so. And what I just thought of is I'm a part of a non-profit that gives my scholarship money to STEM students, so I just thought of this. Just light bulb just hit me that we have to connect you with our STEM students. And because we're trying to harness, trying to get Hispanics more in STEM, since we're going to be the largest majority, right the minority, you're right you're right.

Speaker 1:

By 2030, the largest majority will be Hispanic. Right now, they are giving scholarships. Right now, 25 students just went to university, women and boys, and of course, I'm pushing all the women out there, because it's not enough women in technology and they're going for different types of engineering, all different types of STEM curriculum at the university level, and this is perfect. This is just so perfect.

Speaker 3:

This would be a good promotion there.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I got goosebumps. Look my hair's just standing up. Yeah, hey, the more you connect to those people, right God bless.

Speaker 2:

We're going to change the world. You're absolutely right. We're going to change the world with this energy. Keep in mind these instruments by working with a photograph. You can work with one photograph. You can work with 20 or 30 photographs. Early laboratory experience today, earlier today, I was working with half a million people. I worked with half a million photographs at a time, so you could see how far reaching this is. This is a global healing ministry by way of divine energy. It has nothing to do with biochemistry, it's a new science.

Speaker 3:

Wow, no, that's just so I got to.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious, I'm sorry, but I got to, just I'm curious.

Speaker 3:

I said okay, we've been talking about the divine light. You know it's energy from God, you know from the universe. So what about when you talk to people that are religious, like, and they're like, no God will hear me and does. It has the connection, of course it does.

Speaker 2:

It has to, it has to have a connection If God is light? Correct? Yeah, if God is light, how does God manifest? One of the way God manifests is as light. Now if, again, if you look at light, it's fundamental. There's nothing else in the universe. That's fundamental Energy. Light is fundamental. No, my hand is not fundamental. This light bulb is not fundamental. So if you go back and you say to yourself what created the light? Nothing precedes light except God. Explain light, explain energy. It has to come from.

Speaker 3:

God, it should be an easy road talking to people Well the problem is that people have to change their mindset. That's number one.

Speaker 1:

Talking about that. I'll talk about later about my rebranding of my name here. But again, people have to change their mindset, they have to open their brain, they have to think outside the box, they have to understand that there's not just one path, there's not one road to get to the store right. You can go different avenues. It's the same thing in life. It's not just one path. And unfortunately I had to go through the strokes almost seven years ago to understand, to hit me in the face and say hello, you need to change your life.

Speaker 1:

For me to open my brain now and really experience life now I feel like in the last six years I've experienced more life than I did in 50, because I've learned so much about healing and about and it's not just physical, it's mental, it's everything. And opening up the chocolates I have my necklace on, I have all my chocolate stones right now and always, always with my energy, everywhere, all positive energy all the time. And it makes such a difference. And I mean I grew up in the church. I grew up, I was raised Catholic like all the way through all girl Catholic. High school I got Bible like rammed in me, you know. So I know the word of God and I know God's power, but we really don't even know really God's power until now. I see this energy and it's just, it's like almost putting something physical to God. That's how I feel that, with your energy just showing that the light bulb comes on and the effect that we got is like feeling that God's energy just directly to you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. Straight up healing.

Speaker 1:

Right, yes, that is Thank you, that's a nice tip.

Speaker 2:

No, bro, that's a nice tip. Thank you, that's a nice testimony. So, without further ado, I wanna thank both of you for your effort to bring this podcast again. I wanna thank you for sharing your testimony. All I have to go on are testimonies. No, you cannot prove this, nobody can prove this. There's a lot of theory here and you have to walk in faith, and I wanna make this very clear this science scale, or science scale, or energy scale, or technology, it's not taught at the university level. That's how cutting edge is. So thank you both for stepping out and being brave enough to introduce something like this.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm always the radical one. I gotta find something different to throw out there.

Speaker 3:

People are caught up. I don't know. A lot of people are caught up in this cloud. I don't know what it is.

Speaker 1:

No, unfortunately our society, it's very difficult to get.

Speaker 3:

The routine.

Speaker 1:

If you're stuck on television, right. If you're stuck watching the news, you're done. If you're stuck watching just television itself, you will get inundated with so much garbage that you can't function. So we eliminate the garbage. So we probably wanna watch and we pick what we wanna listen to. You have to make your choices and, again, it's a choice. You have to make a choice and we're responsible for the choices that we make. So let's make the right choice and get to scarilylightcom and get your free child, because you have to get this. I wanna push this out and we'll probably get Tom again, because I'm gonna get any more people and get more testimonies and get Tom back on here so we can keep talking about this and then get our STEM students involved.

Speaker 3:

That would be a cool idea To get some people to.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm gonna get a whole bunch of people Once we get those people and they tell us our testimony.

Speaker 3:

Those same people, we're gonna bring them to the show and we're gonna put Tom and we're gonna introduce you to the new people so they can share their degree.

Speaker 2:

Right, I'm sure your audience has heard of the man Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla, the great inventor. This is Tesla energy, this is the free energy he wanted to give to mankind. Tesla wanted to illuminate the world with free energy. Well, that's what we're trying to do today to reintroduce, in many ways, the effort, the research of Nikola Tesla.

Speaker 1:

Wow, no, and you know my mother. I mentioned Tesla. My mother right away said to me my grandfather always talked about Tesla.

Speaker 2:

He read books.

Speaker 1:

Because he used to read about Tesla. My grandfather was a radio and TV engineer. So that's how I got into computers, because I was taking TV and radios apart with them when I was like eight or nine years old. So I was already introduced to energy. Look at that. Oh, he was showing me how the energy worked through a TV and frequencies and circuit boards. At eight, nine years old I was doing this. So that's when, when computers came in, I was like, oh, this is like what grandpa did. I came home, grandpa looked at computer and we started doing stuff. You know, unfortunately he passed when I was 18 years old so he didn't get to see, because PC came out when I was 17. So he didn't get. He didn't get into the revolution yet, you know, because he died too soon. He just needs the last couple more years. He would have been able to enjoy it because he would have loved it.

Speaker 1:

So I would say, my grandfather's still here in spirit and and he talked about Tesla since, since the fifties. So he was talking about Tesla and look at this 2023.

Speaker 3:

It's not taught. It's not taught. Well, you know a lot of no, the good things aren't taught.

Speaker 1:

The things that we need to learn aren't taught.

Speaker 3:

They never taught me. As a kid they used to teach me who get a diploma, go to college and go work for a company. They never taught us to go to school or go to business schools how to become independent, how to become your own business owner. We never taught that.

Speaker 1:

Being an inventor, or yeah, I mean, I always had that. My grandfather both my grandfathers were always very innovative, in the sense that they're always trying to like. My grandfather always tried to like. He created a remote control before remote controls were out, he said there has to be a way I can do this. And he created this thing. And then he also you know what he did. When they had the black and white TV came out, he made a screen, a color screen, and he put it in front of the TV to make it color. So he was already inventing stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was inventing stuff back in the day. My grandmother, my mother, tells me all the time he was always trying to figure it out and anytime when the microwave came out, he said to me that can't be good, it's too fast, it cooks too fast, there's some radiation in there or something, and he was always complaining he didn't want a microwave. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, tom, you keep doing what you're doing and we're going to support you here and I'm going to talk to my STEM students and we're going to have to talk. We got to figure something out. We got to get these kids and engineering, all these Hispanic students that are going for technology jobs, you know.

Speaker 3:

I can't wait too much for them to start complaining about paying. I'm like listen, get over here, let's fill this in right now. Look, it doesn't take five minutes. Go into the thing, use your application, download your picture and just try it. Yeah, do it for me. Yeah, do it for you.

Speaker 1:

Do it for you. Do it for you. You won't regret it. God's energy Back with with with Tesla, who wanted this a long time ago. That'd be great. So we have energy for light, because my electric bill is like $400 a month in Florida.

Speaker 3:

That's only a one spot.

Speaker 1:

That's only a one spot. Yeah, one in one house.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for being open-minded. We're going to change the world to the audience. Thanks for listening and help us change the world. Help us become a part of this.

Speaker 1:

Yes, definitely. That's all be part of changing the world and making it a better place and having some health and longevity so we can live longer. And this energy works on your pets. It works on people. I know that Tom said you can upload a picture with your pet, right, right?

Speaker 2:

Send your entire family and your pets. Sure my dog on it. He feels great.

Speaker 1:

He can't give you a testimony, but it looks good. It is good.

Speaker 3:

You know he looks good we could tell when our furry fans are not feeling good.

Speaker 1:

We have four cats and three dogs. We have a little mini zoo. But, tom, thank you so much for the time. I don't want to hold you up. I know you've got important things to do out there. Thank you again for coming on the show and we will share this everywhere.

Speaker 2:

I bless you both Thank you.

Speaker 1:

God bless you. Bye, thank you. Stop. Come celebrate your event and create new memories at Studio 33 right here in Fort Lauderdale, off the exit 32 commercial Boulevard. Call us today so you can schedule an appointment and see the location as an intimate setting for your private event. Call us at 954-530-7193. Again, 954-530-7193. Also, our website is Studio33F. As in FrankLLcom, you can find us on all social media at Studio 33 FLL as well. You can call us today for your appointment and come see our venue. There are filling up bags.

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