Episode #50 - Transcending Traditional Medicine with Celestial Energy, La Energía Escalar (LUZ) (English & Spanish)


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Episodio #50  - Transcending Traditional Medicine with Celestial Energy, La Energía Escalar (LUZ)  (English & Spanish)
 Embark with me, Alida Hernandez, on an exploration that stretches beyond the conventional, reaching into the celestial potential of Scalar Energy. My guests, Patricia and Tom Paladino, guide us through a world inspired by Tesla, where healing is drawn from the cosmos and channeled into our very being. Imagine feeling an overwhelming sense of calm, a peace that transcends your everyday experience, and then, just as quickly as it arrived, it dissipates when the treatment ends. That's my story with Scalar Light, a profound encounter that has left me yearning for more and questioning the possibilities for holistic health.
 Acompáñame, Alida Hernández, en una exploración que va más allá de lo convencional, llegando al potencial celestial de la Energía Escalar. Mis invitados, Patricia y Tom Paladino, nos guían por un mundo inspirado en Tesla, donde la sanación se extrae del cosmos y se canaliza hacia nuestro ser. Imagina sentir una sensación abrumadora de calma, una paz que trasciende tu experiencia cotidiana, y que luego, tan rápido como llegó, se disipa cuando termina el tratamiento. Esa es mi historia con Scalar Light, un encuentro profundo que me ha dejado con ganas de más y cuestionando las posibilidades de la salud holística.

In a crescendo of hope and possibility, we uncover tales that challenge the limits of science as we understand it. A village in India, thousands of HIV patients, and a story of eradication so profound, it's as if the pages of medical journals are being rewritten. Tom's scalar energy instrument, a beacon of invisible science, works through photographs, aiming to strip the intelligence from viruses and restore health. As I share my friend's personal victory over HIV using this very technology, we're reminded of the power of an open mind and a glimmer of faith. Join us as we contemplate a future where health and healing are painted with the brush of boundless energy.
 En un crescendo de esperanza y posibilidad, descubrimos historias que desafían los límites de la ciencia tal como la entendemos. Un pueblo en India, miles de pacientes con VIH, y una historia de erradicación tan profunda, que parece que las páginas de las revistas médicas se están reescribiendo. El instrumento de energía escalar de Tom, un faro de ciencia invisible, funciona a través de fotografías, con el objetivo de eliminar la inteligencia de los virus y restaurar la salud. Al compartir la victoria personal de mi amigo sobre el VIH usando esta misma tecnología, nos recuerdan el poder de una mente abierta y un destello de fe. Acompáñanos a contemplar un futuro donde la salud y la sanación se pintan con el pincel de la energía ilimitada.

 Mira el artículo de Tom Paladino aquí:

 Estos programas de Energía Escalar se ofrecen de forma gratuita a cualquier persona en el mundo a través de su fotografía. Visita el enlace a continuación y envía fotografías de tu familia y tus mascotas para experimentar.

HOST:                  Alida Hernandez

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Speaker 1:

Hi, welcome to Rebooted Mindset, formerly Rebooted the Podcast. I'm your host, Alita Hernandez. Come join me every Wednesday and Sunday afternoon at 2.30 pm Eastern time to hear real-life conversations with experts around the world on how we can heal our body, mind, soul and spirit. So let's get talking. Hello, good morning Alita Hernandez. Here Rebooted Mindset. I just changed it from Rebooted the Podcast and today again I'm doing a little Spanglish today for my Spanish people out there. So vamos a tener tradición en inglés hasta español con Patricia que trabajó con Tom Paladino, the Scaler Light, La luz escalar, ¿verdad? They say A veces, no está muy bueno, pero aquí estamos para que todo mundo aprende de la Scaler Light, que es muy bueno para la salud y una cosa que es fenómeno, y no tiene que tomar medicina, no tiene que hacer nada. So con eso voy a dejar el micrófono a Patricia para que introduzca Tom.

Speaker 2:

Gracias, alita, un placer estar aquí contigo y para hablar de la energía escalar. La energía se llama también energía Tesla, tiene distintos nombres, o Scaler Light en inglés, como es como la manejamos para efectos del público. Y pues sí, esta es una energía maravillosa que proviene del sol y de las estrellas. Y ahora vamos a conocer más de todo esto, de cómo funciona, de cómo puede ser esta energía capturada aquí en esta, en este, vamos a decir en esta dimensión, en la tierra, ¿verdad? Y cómo podemos también aprovecharla para la salud, porque estamos hablando de la nueva cuántica, la nueva manera de sanar. Y para eso, entonces, está hoy con nosotros Tom Paladino, que es el creador del dispositivo de Scaler Light, quien ha trabajado además con esta energía llamada como energía Tesla desde hace más de 30 años en su laboratorio, y con él vamos a ver la demostración de cómo también esta luz es capaz de encender un bombillo, cómo esta luz es capaz de darnos tantos beneficios a nivel de nuestros chakras, a nivel de nuestra salud. Así que, bueno, aquí ya comenzamos hoy con esta transmisión de la energía escalar.

Speaker 2:

Gracias, alita. Can you hear the audio? I think?

Speaker 1:

it's fine, here we are and well, how are we going to continue talking about the Scalar Energy? I started with this a few months ago and I didn't know how I would feel. And I started like a week later and I said I have a lot of peace, I was very calm, I didn't have any pain, I didn't have the brain fog I had before. I said, wow, what's going on? And then when my start stopped, I started feeling sick. I felt sick, I felt bad. I felt like what's going on? I don't like this. I want to feel better. I need to scale again. I called again for the second interview.

Speaker 2:

It's wonderful because then, look, you were able to determine the difference between receiving the light and not receiving it, and that's why you get that free test that everyone can take, both in Scalar Light Up Come in English, and in Luz Scalarcom in Spanish. It's 15 days, completely free, and in those 15 days people can experience it, as you did, the benefits of the Scalar Energy so well. There are many programs that people can take to continue with that healing, and Tom will tell us about all this. It's good. It's good.

Speaker 1:

It's for you, tom. Now we can start your demonstration. Okay, patricia, talked about it a little bit to explain what it is. People are still going to have tons of questions, probably, so after you do the demonstration, she'll translate and then we'll go back to some Spanish questions.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay. So here we have Tom Palladino. He's going to give us some demonstrations of what Scalar Light Up Come works like he's been working in the laboratory. Welcome, tom, welcome.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, gracias To both of you. Thanks, hi everybody. I'm Tom Palladino. These are Scalar Energy instruments. We're going to speak about technology, scalar Technology.

Speaker 2:

Hoy vamos a hablar de la energía escalar, y esto es la tecnología de energía escalar.

Speaker 3:

These instruments do not control electricity. They control the energy of the stars.

Speaker 2:

Estos instrumentos no funcionan con energía eléctrica. Funcionan con energía que proviene del sol y las estrellas.

Speaker 3:

So this is the free energy of the sun and the stars.

Speaker 2:

Esta es energía libre del sol y las estrellas.

Speaker 3:

So behind me is a Scalar Energy instrument. It's functioning, it's on.

Speaker 2:

Este instrumento que está detrás de mí es un instrumento de energía escalar y está encendido. Funciona ahora. Está funcionando ahora. I'm going to show you how this instrument functions.

Speaker 3:

Like a miniature sun, a miniature star.

Speaker 2:

Les voy a demostrar entonces cómo este equipo es como una miniatura del solo de las estrellas.

Speaker 3:

So much energy from that instrument we can illuminate a light bulb. This is a fluorescent light bulb I hold in my hand. It's still in its factory packaging.

Speaker 2:

Este es un bombillo irradeciente y que está todavía en su empaque.

Speaker 3:

When I place this close to the instrument, it illuminates.

Speaker 2:

Lo colocó cerca al instrumento, se enciende.

Speaker 3:

There's so much energy coming off the instrument, it gives off free energy to light up a light bulb. That's not electricity, it's a different type of energy.

Speaker 2:

So the energy can pass through a brick wall, nothing can stop the energy.

Speaker 3:

So I'm going to demonstrate, I'm going to show the audience how the energy can pass through a block of wood. This is a cutting board. I place it right next to the instrument.

Speaker 2:

And I'll demonstrate how a light bulb can be illuminated by this instrument, by the light passing through the wood, and I'm going to show you how this energy can pass through this wood and light up the bulb. What it means is that nothing can stop the energy from passing through the walls, the bricks, so these are some of the unique characteristics of scalar energy.

Speaker 3:

This is the light of God, so I am working with these instruments with people, by way of their photograph.

Speaker 2:

I place a person's photograph inside the instrument, the photograph is like a bilocated version. People are in existence in two places. People by locate to my laboratory by their photograph.

Speaker 3:

I don't work with people by their photograph.

Speaker 2:

I don't work with people, I only work with photographs. And as we demonstrated if I place a person's photograph in the instrument we can eliminate their brain waves and their shards.

Speaker 3:

If we can illuminate a light bulb and we can illuminate the brain waves and the shards and we can illuminate the light bulb and we can illuminate the brain waves and the shards and we can illuminate the brain waves and the shards. That identical energy that is illuminating a light bulb is going into my brain and my shards.

Speaker 2:

Working with this energy instrument, we work on the energy of the mind, the energy of the shakras.

Speaker 3:

And, as a result, people say that they're happier, that their mental clarity is increased, that their shakras are aligned. To be clear it's not me. I'm not a healer.

Speaker 2:

God is the healer. This is God's light.

Speaker 3:

And the light is going to heal. It's the light of God. So this is groundbreaking research.

Speaker 2:

The instrument is unique. This is a unique instrument.

Speaker 3:

My approach, my technology is unique.

Speaker 2:

So I want to introduce to the world this groundbreaking approach.

Speaker 3:

So, Alita and Patricia, thank you for allowing me to show the world what we can do with the light of God. You're welcome.

Speaker 2:

you're welcome I think it's very beneficial and very important for people to learn this technology. I know that a lot of people are asking questions what is a shakra?

Speaker 1:

What is energy balance? How can Patricia talk about this? How do you say learn from this technology? I know that many people have questions. What is a chakra? What is the energy balance? How can you, patricia, talk about that?

Speaker 2:

Yes, when we talk about the chakras, there are seven energetic centers that have the body, through which energy is radiated. For the rest of the organs, in the ancient times, it is known that these are like the main centers through which the body can also be in harmony energetically, and we know that diseases and states of mind mainly come from energy, because if we go to the atom, it is 99% matter and 1% or less, but on the other hand, it is 99% matter and the rest is energy. What does it mean then that we are mainly energy? And when Tom talks about a blocked version, does it mean that energy, that field that we are energetically, can also be transferred through photography and can then affect and benefit? Those energetic centers called chakras and the brain waves are also in what is called the coronary chakra and all this area of ​​the head and what it has to do with the people who suffer from anxiety, depression, that the brain waves are a little altered when receiving this light. Because it is light, it is divine light, it automatically produces a balance of these brain waves and that is why people experience a feeling of peace and tranquility, because it helps especially the people who have depression and anxiety, and those are energies that move in their heads. So that is what chakras and brain waves refer to.

Speaker 2:

Tom, I was explaining. She wanted me to explain. How is the thing of the chakras? What are the chakras and the brain waves? How is an explanation of how it works? So that's what I was explaining in Spanish.

Speaker 3:

It works because it's God's energy. It's not me. God corrects the brain waves and the chakras.

Speaker 2:

It works because it's energy from God. It's not me, it's not electric energy, it's not my energy, it's God's energy and that's why it's so powerful that it can balance the energies of the brain and the mind, the thoughts in general.

Speaker 3:

I can work with one photograph, one person by a photograph.

Speaker 2:

I can work with one person through the photography of that person or I can work with many people thousands, or I can work with many other people, thousands of people through a photographic collage. So this is not biological this is not biology, it's energetic it's energetic and we work with the energy on your photograph.

Speaker 3:

we don't work with people, we work with a photograph.

Speaker 2:

And we don't work with people, we work with photographs.

Speaker 3:

This is a new science. It will take a while to understand this new science.

Speaker 2:

And it will take a while to understand the new science.

Speaker 1:

It's a problem with people who believe a lot in God and how to understand that we are energy. You know that we created the Latinos with a lot of faith and a separation, a separation that God is, not us. I say that people have to understand and learn more about the energy of one and the power of one, because the spirit of one is an energy that lives inside and the spirit of one is the spirit of one.

Speaker 2:

So she's saying that actually it's like learning how also we are. We have the own spirit and we are gods too. We're connected with God. God is not outside, it's also inside. And how to learn about how this technology can help to set a separation between God and us, and how does it work in terms of beliefs of people about God and the technology you're presenting as an energy of God?

Speaker 3:

I think if people believe in the healing, it will accelerate the healing.

Speaker 2:

I think that people believe in this and this will accelerate the healing.

Speaker 3:

But keep in mind. People send me photographs of their dogs and cats, and their dogs and cats are not aware that they're being treated with skin-like instruments.

Speaker 2:

And the cats and dogs are not aware that they're being treated with skin-like instruments and they heal.

Speaker 1:

So they will heal, but they won't know, they can't tell you. Oh, I feel better today.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, exactly. They heal without knowing that this is a work.

Speaker 3:

And that's a great point. Many times dogs, cats, horses heal, and they heal quickly.

Speaker 2:

Yes, this is an important case because, to mention, because both cats and dogs and horses generally heal very quickly.

Speaker 3:

The animals accept the healing.

Speaker 2:

The animals don't question the healing.

Speaker 3:

And they're gracious for the healing.

Speaker 2:

We should be too.

Speaker 1:

So I think this is a good start to get our Hispanic community interested in understanding the healing of God. So you have faith in God, so you should have faith in this technology, because it's coming from God and I know it's a logical thing. You know the spiritual logical thing. So I'm thinking outside the box of how I was raised with faith. So it's again it's having that belief that you know, that you know that you know because God exists, so you should know that it does work right. Yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

So this mix of science and spirituality that we've had as this separation during our history, and I think it's valid that, with regard to what you say, this moment in history is the moment in which, again because in the past it was always like this in which, again, science and spirituality join, because they never wanted to separate. This was the man who separated science from spirituality, and now we're going back to that union of spiritual science again. It's to believe in us, but also believe in God's technology. I was telling the leader that, yes, we have, you know, we've been separated from spirituality and technology, but at the beginning of the war it was together, it was united, and now it's becoming that time again that we are. We have to know that science and spirituality are one as well, and then we have to trust in the energy, the spirituality, but also in the technology of God.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to mention one more technique. I have the ability, with this instrument, to identify microbes.

Speaker 2:

This is a photograph of the human papillomavirus.

Speaker 3:

I can place this photograph side by side my photograph inside the instrument. And we have a communication of human papillomavirus with my photograph. The human papillomavirus has a signature and I can find that on my photograph, and so this technology has the ability to look at the signal, the signature of a virus and find it inside of me in my photograph. And then, so doing, if I have the human papillomavirus, it will remove it the energy is going to be eliminated.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you have a particular disease or something that you want to get rid of, is that something that I communicate to you and tell you? I have this how does that work?

Speaker 3:

We never diagnose. First of all, there's no diagnosis. We let the energy do the healing and quantum healing on a photograph is different than biological healing. They're two different considerations. So we cannot compare quantum healing to biological healing. They're different.

Speaker 1:

So how do we heal? I still don't get it.

Speaker 2:

You can't stand by information.

Speaker 3:

It's not biological. By receiving the information, everything is non-physical Right. So we're putting the correct intelligence, the correct information, into a person.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

Because it's still just God really healing you. So you get the right like, you get the right map for you, and then it takes over and it adjusts everything.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Okay, exacto, exacto. Accurre un ajuste inteligente en el cuerpo.

Speaker 1:

Like an AI. It's like an AI for your body. Yes, it is. Yes, exactly, it's not man.

Speaker 3:

It's the information from God.

Speaker 2:

Okay, exacto, como inteligencia artificial, pero es la inteligencia de Dios. No, que si hace Tom Paladino y es parte de su trabajo como investigador es que Tom tiene más de 400,000 tipos de virus, like the Epstein bar, the herpes. We're talking about patitis, we're talking about VIH. Vih, that is, a number of viruses that are going to be scanned, detected and disfragmented with the scaling energy, without the need for the person to say, hey, tom, I have VIH, you can no. It's simply the person, through the Scalarlight program or the Scalar Light, takes the program that he wants to take although he can take first, of course, the free test to see how it feels and automatically the team will give it, it will activate intelligently what the healing that the person needs. I was explaining how it works with more than like 400,000 type of viruses and the research you've been doing for years with all these molecular pictures.

Speaker 3:

See, when you're working in a biological setting, it's always physical. Biology is physical, flesh and blood. Go ahead, translate that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so of course this is more like the subject of physics biology. Physics is more about contact, right? We don't work with physical reality. We don't work with physical reality we work with intelligence we work with intelligence. The intelligence eventually instructs the physical and eventually intelligence gives it the instruction to the physical world.

Speaker 3:

I'd rather work on the realm of intelligence, spirituality. I'd rather work on the lower plane of physical than work on the lower plane of physical.

Speaker 1:

That's why we have problems in the world, because everybody is on the physical and giving you medication that doesn't heal you first of all, just maintain your disease. That's why I've learned it's a maintenance of disease and they never get to your spiritual. They never even touch that, they don't even talk about that because of the separation of science and spirituality.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, alida. That's what happens. So medicines are at the physical level, right, and that's why medicines are made for well, it's a palliative for pain and for diseases. But the scale energy works at a spiritual level, it's a quantum level, it's an energy level, and that's why it works completely differently, because it works first at the energy level and we're energy before matter.

Speaker 1:

So if a person I mean a person should have an open mind to understand this first of all. But in the other sense, even if the person doesn't believe it, the energy is still going to work.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, exactly so. People have to to understand this. They have to open their mind to understand the scale energy. But even though they don't believe in this, the scale energy is going to be their work.

Speaker 3:

I've treated elephants, turtles, dolphins dogs.

Speaker 2:

with dogs it works. Puciona.

Speaker 1:

I have all my animals on it, so we'll see. I got seven animals. So, wow, I got four cats and three dogs. Nice so, and I watch my mother and my aunt since they have memory issues, you know to see how they are.

Speaker 3:

And you know, it takes time.

Speaker 1:

Like you said, it'll take time. It depends on the severity, I guess, of our energy, right? So it all depends on how we are, how long it takes for you to heal, like you were saying. I asked you before how long should you be on it and you said it all depends on you. Like you can be on it for a couple of months and feel good and then get off of it and start feeling different and want to go back on it, correct?

Speaker 3:

That's right. That's right. So we leave it up to the people. I want everybody to experience it, but on your terms. On your terms.

Speaker 2:

That's right, alida. We leave this to the people's will. People will know how long they need to heal. First of all, the test is free for 15 days. If you feel that you want to take more energy, then there are the programs. There are different programs Programmes for cleaning pathogenics, programs for balancing chakras and brain waves, and there is also a nutrition program that we will have time to ask how it works, but that, and also addiction, hormones and many other things. People decide how long they can take it because maybe in two or three months and they don't need to take it anymore. There are people, for example, in Japan, there are families that join the climbing energy and buy the program for a whole year. That is, each person can feel how much energy they need to climb how long, and there is no recipe for this. Everyone knows what is the moment when they need it or no longer needs it.

Speaker 1:

And you mentioned that there are different programs. So you said this in like a so if you're an addict, you have a specific thing for addiction or for mental health issues. I mean, how does that work?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's correct. So we're able, with the instrument, to remove the intelligence of drugs and alcohol.

Speaker 2:

Fija. Este instrumento es capaz de remover la inteligencia de la adicción al alcohol y las drogas.

Speaker 3:

So drugs and alcohol, pharmaceutical products, they all have an intelligence.

Speaker 2:

Estos productos, tanto los productos farmacéuticos como el alcohol y las drogas, también tienen su inteligencia.

Speaker 3:

Scalar energy is corrective.

Speaker 2:

La energía es calar la corrige.

Speaker 3:

And it corrects that bad intelligence, that harmful intelligence of drugs and alcohol.

Speaker 2:

Y corrige entonces esa dañina o tóxica inteligencia que se ha creado en función del alcohol, las drogas y los medicamentos.

Speaker 1:

So this is really a miracle. This is just. It is Because to get rid of that bad stuff in you from addiction, any kind of addiction and or mental health that is. I mean this is groundbreaking. Like you say, this is God's energy. I'm all electric right now. I got goosebumps.

Speaker 2:

This is the free energy from God. It's a gift from God. It gives the world light. This is going to change the world.

Speaker 3:

This is the free energy of God. This is going to change the world.

Speaker 2:

And Tesla wanted to do this.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and he wasn't allowed to do it. That's correct. So you harness Tesla's how do you call it his discovery that he did many moons ago, which we talked about, that my grandfather was very into Tesla. He used to talk about it. Even my mother mentioned it, which was unbelievable that she remembered that.

Speaker 3:

We should have listened to Nikola Tesla.

Speaker 2:

Because he was one of the first scientists who talked about free energy and also about the energy of that nation. He was very clear about the benefits of this energy. Yeah, and that's why Tesla cars I mean, that's a whole different thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tesla cars, that's another thing, because they use electricity, which is exactly If you have, if you have, if you have right and if you have this Tesla you're harnessing God's energy, so there's no reason why a car can run on that energy. That's correct. I should be a scientist, though. Yes, you are, I love all this stuff, let's, let's change the world this technology will change the world.

Speaker 3:

Let's change the world.

Speaker 1:

One person at a time.

Speaker 2:

One person at a time and also thousands of people at the same time, Because we asked Tom Tom, how many people have you treated today?

Speaker 3:

Today I worked with half a million people, half a million photographs.

Speaker 2:

Wow. So today, Tom, I don't know what time it is. In Florida it's half a day, right, yes, it's 12.40.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so in the middle of the day he has already worked with half a million, half a million people. What the great benefit of the scalar energy is that it can be worked with thousands of people at the same time, because that's the new technology it's collective, it's massive. Many people can heal at the same time. The entire state of Florida, the United States, spain, peru, colombia, venezuela. You can treat collectivities very well in hours A complete town, a complete town, a complete country.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So this is the time to send the photo, to experiment these 15 days of free scalar energy, and then you will tell us how they felt and what benefits, especially if they have the existence of a disease, if they have a disease that they have diagnosed. It is even more transcendental. It's healing, because then they do another test and that's the way we know how it works, because you said before but how can we know if we know if it's healthy or not? Well, we know it through the testimonies of people. People send us their PCR test where the viral load appears, then they receive the scalar energy and then they do the test again and the test comes out without viral load. So there is the healing process and that's the only way we know, because we remember that we are talking about invisible science, invisible energy. So this is the invisible world making results in the invisible world Right.

Speaker 1:

And I know Tom mentioned how he had that whole village in India with like 5000 HIV patients and they were all tested before and tested after and they all don't have the virus anymore. So that's just, it's surreal. That's why I tell people you have to have an open mind and if you have faith in God as you pray for healing, that is what's happening. I mean, the more I talk about it, I'm just like confirmation from God.

Speaker 2:

But all the energy I'm receiving right now from him so you want to talk about that, that case in India. So I can explain, translate, right.

Speaker 3:

There's an HIV AIDS clinic in Delhi, india. Om.

Speaker 2:

Prakash. Okay, this is the case of a clinic of HIV in India called Om Prakash.

Speaker 3:

That's a photograph from the clinic Om Prakash clinic of HIV AIDS.

Speaker 2:

This is the photograph of the group of the clinic that had HIV.

Speaker 3:

In Delhi, India.

Speaker 2:

In Delhi, in India.

Speaker 3:

Secondly, we received collage. It's not one photograph at a time but sometimes four or 500 photographs on a collage. So we placed our photograph in the instrument.

Speaker 2:

Right next to the photograph of the HIV AIDS clinic. I place the photograph of the HIV virus right next to the photograph.

Speaker 3:

So the intelligence of HIV enters into their quantum field.

Speaker 2:

So the intelligence, the information of HIV enters into the photograph where thousands of people are, or all the people who are, with the disease.

Speaker 3:

These are non-harmful instructions. The HIV virus is then identified in their body and we remove the intelligence of HIV. As I mentioned previously, we can remove the intelligence of drugs and alcohol. You can remove the intelligence of HIV.

Speaker 2:

We can remove the intelligence of drugs and alcohol. We can remove the intelligence of drugs and alcohol.

Speaker 3:

This is the new science.

Speaker 1:

It's just awesome it is. It's just. You just have to wrap your head around it. You know, like I said, the AI of health and through God's energy, and it's just. You know people are saying people are talking about AI. So that's why I mentioned it, because people are all oh, I'm going to go to chat GVT or whatever it is and type something up, you know, and it writes it for you. But this is, this is more than that.

Speaker 3:

This is in this is perfect intelligence.

Speaker 2:

This is intelligence, intelligence, perfect wisdom perfect wisdom perfect knowledge.

Speaker 3:

If we have some time, I want Patricia to tell give a testimony. She has a friend who worked with us for HIV.

Speaker 2:

Yes, tom wants to share the testimony of one of my great friends who had HIV. And when I started working with Tom, I immediately commented on him because of course Tom says, yes, it's the people who have HIV, yes, they can heal with the light of the stairs. And of course I commented on my friend. I said, hey, why don't you try the stairs light and the real Patelisa missile? I mean, you have your own spiritual or holistic issues. How do you think an energy? I'm 20 years old with this disease and it has not been discovered at all. Because I am aware of all the news, all that comes out and there is no cure for AIDS, for HIV. And then I said, well, but if the test is free, what does it cost you, you know? So he sent the photograph and that was. It was three weeks. He had a medical checkup and when the medical checkup goes, the results come out and it comes out undetectable Zero, nothing comes out of the HIV virus. And then he doesn't tell the doctor that he is taking the stairs light, but he asks the doctor what happened there and the doctor tells him well, surely this is a mistake of the team. It really returns within three months. That we are going to do another test. And then he says well, we are going to do something, we are going to do a nuclear test which is like the strongest one to see what is happening. He returns again three months later and it turns out that I am not a doctor. I can clarify it in the tone either so to do the nuclear test, they do a pre-test like a previous test, and then in that previous test they do a pre-test, and then they do a pre-test like a previous test, and then in that previous test then it goes to the nuclear test. When they do the pre-test, the doctor says it's just that there is nothing in the pre-test. He says, yes, if I do the nuclear test, I mean it doesn't justify itself. Surely he will not pay it because I mean it doesn't justify the nuclear test if all the values are normal.

Speaker 2:

So he tells the doctor doctor. Then he wants to say that I am cured, that I am healthy, and the doctor says no, what he wants to say is that you don't have the VIH. So he says, oh my God, because it is clear for doctors, there is still no healing. So we talk again about beliefs. Right, if there is no healing. The doctor doesn't know how. The virus is no longer there, so he says you are not cured, but you don't have the virus, right? It's like the people who are cured. They say you don't have cancer, but well, it happens if you come back, right, so well, that was more than two years ago. Yes, and obviously because it doesn't have the virus anymore.

Speaker 2:

And these people from Omprecache, who we saw before that, from 2016,. And these people don't take medication, they are completely healthy, they have a normal life and this is the new science. We are in that process of seeing, to believe, and also seeing and waiting for a while to certify, to see if it comes back. If it doesn't come back, we are in that process of acceptance. But this energy is there, it works, it exists, it is real.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's an amazing story, that was a great story. And for the doctor to still not believe like. The doctor is like. He's like are you in my healed? He's like no, but you don't have the virus. No, but you don't have the virus. Well, that's a. You know you're contradicting your statement there because they can accept it Basically if you're on science only you can't yeah, tunnel vision, science, tunnel vision. It can't be that way because it only can be this way.

Speaker 3:

There's no path because they don't see it, they're blind, they're blind.

Speaker 1:

They are. And I see it every day when I for medical doctors and everything like that, I mean I had, I just had my blood test down he's, oh, everything's normal, everything's perfect. I go, thank you, and I say anything else, and so then the doctor's like are you taking medicine? What for it's like? It's like I went and had my cholesterol was high, like say last year, and he gives me medicine. I didn't take them because I just refused to take them. I just changed my diet, started exercising more, and went back again and he says, oh, your cholesterol is perfect. I go, thank you, because you're still taking the medicine. I go, I never took them. He's like what I said, I just changed my lifestyle. Okay, and I said so. And he's like okay, like he knows me already, he knows he doesn't argue with me. He goes okay, you're right. If you don't, you're good, you don't need them.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. That's the attitude, alida. You know that's the attitude. We have to be more aware of our body. We have to be more aware of life, you know, with what we really want for ourselves. And I don't say that in all cases it is like that. But if there are things that can be corrected in a natural way, why do you resort to so many chemicals?

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's because the C also heals. You know very well, you have faith. People go to the church and people say how is that? Because you have energy and you have faith in God and with this we are 100% covered. So what I said was we're like 100% covered now, because if you have faith in God and people have been healed by faith alone, okay, because of prayer, because of your mindfulness and about your seeing yourself healed, you have to see yourself healed. I am healed and the belief is so much part of it. You know the technology is there, but now understanding that spiritual connection and understanding that you are healed, that's the key.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Thank you for that. I always say I just I'm a continual testimony of what can be done since I had the stroke six and a half years ago and people look oh you know, you don't look like you had a show. Well, I hope not, because I've been working on it for six and a half years and I continually work on that and to help other people who are suffering with diabetes and high blood pressure and Alzheimer's and all these different, so many diseases out there cancer. I've given it to many of my friends that are going through struggles physically. To their parents I said please go to the link and get your trial for scalar light and see what happens to you.

Speaker 2:

There are many diseases out there like the one I mentioned. Lyda and I mentioned her experience with the stroke brain. She also had conv 진진원 egg by Evelyn Henry им swing a benign to every day of the fence can recognize the. If they help you in other areas, that will benefit you. In general terms, I was telling her that a steel scatterlight is not affected in cancer or diabetes, but if people have a pain because they have a virus or a bacteria, they can get better because it's going to work on the bacteria. So the swollen is going to lower and the pain is going away.

Speaker 3:

We're going to change the role. Thank you, ladies, thank you for helping me introduce this technology. It can only help people. It's the light of God. There's no downside, there's no negative consequences.

Speaker 2:

It's the energy of God and it can only help people. It doesn't have a dark side. It doesn't have any side effects. It's nothing that can be worried about. This is divine energy. It's going to help you from all sides.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we've got to get it everywhere. Get it around the world. Translate it Brazil. I know a lot of Brazilian people here in the community as well, so that'll be another thing. Another time I'll have to get somebody in Brazilian Portuguese to translate, please, and get that to Brazil and any other countries that are out there. I actually met somebody the other day, a singer from Paraguay. They have an Indian dialect in Paraguay which I didn't know that they still speak, which was really fascinating that they still speak their native Indian tongue plus Spanish. Wow, yeah, so there's a lot of languages out there, I think they took a lot of languages from many countries in Brazil, Paraguay.

Speaker 2:

When I said Paraguay, I mean Paraguay speaks Spanish, of course, but he was saying that he also speaks a native language in Paraguay.

Speaker 1:

Thank you Patricia, Thank you Tom, Thank you both for being here. And I want to put this up there as soon as possible and hopefully our people on our other podcast, spanglish, also will see this, and we're doing a lot of things with the Spanish community, so hopefully they will start engaging and start getting it and I'll put the link up there so they know where to get it and how to get their free child.

Speaker 2:

Excellent. Muchísimas gracias, alida. Les recuerdo entonces quienes quieren tomar la prueba gratuita, en español wwwluxescalarcom, en inglés wwwscalarlitecom. Y bueno, pueden seguirnos también en las redes sociales, en Instagram Arroba Scalarlite y Arroba Luz Escalar Y allí siempre estamos también colocando las conferencias cuando se van a dar los programes especiales y pueden pues también contactarlos.

Speaker 1:

Y tiene documentos en español también.

Speaker 2:

Sí, en Luz Escalar está todo en español Y en Scalarlite con inglés.

Speaker 1:

Ok, perfecto, para ponerle eso ahí, por si acaso. Perfecto, Perfecto. Thank you, tom. Gracias, alida as always.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much for your effort.

Speaker 1:

Let's heal the world. That's right. Thank you, tom. See you have a great week. Bye, let me stop. As always, thanks for watching.

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